Eight Card Stud Rules

Eight Card Stud is played with the same rules as Seven Card Stud except that on Seventh street, each player is dealt two cards instead of one. Because more cards are handed out, the maximum number of players in Eight Card Stud is six.

If you’re looking for a more action-packed game, Eight Card Stud is the game for you. The extra card means there will be more big hands and more action. It also adds an element of uncertainty because the extra card is dealt face down. You’ll have to be on your toes to survive in a game of Eight Card Stud.

Other than the extra card dealt at the end, Eight Card Stud is played identically to Seven Card Stud. The antes, the deal and all the betting rounds are played in the same manner. When it comes to the showdown, the players still pick five cards from their hands to make the best possible five card poker hand.


At the beginning of each hand, every player contributes a small bet to the pot. This bet is called the ‘ante” it is equal to about 10% the size of the lower betting limit. For example, in a game of $1/$2 stud, the ante each round would be $0.10.

Third Street

Each player who paid an ante is now dealt two cards face down and one card face up. The player with the lowest card showing pays the bring-in and then the betting continues clockwise around the table.

The bring-in is a small, forced bet that must be paid to get the betting started. It’s sized to be about half the size of the lower betting limit. So in our same $1/$2 game, the bring-in would be $0.50.

The player who pays the bring-in can leave the current bet at that amount or bring it up to a full minimum bet. If that player raises it to the full minimum bet, each other player must either call that bet, raise, or fold.

Once the bring-in has been paid, the betting continues clockwise around the table. All bets (except for the bring-in) are made using the lower betting limit from here until Fifth Street.

Fourth Street

Each player receives one card face up. Another round of betting begins with the player who has the best hand showing. This player can check, bet, or fold. The betting continues to the left with each player having the same options. If any player makes a bet or raise, the other players at the table must call that bet, fold, or raise.

Fifth Street

Each player receives one card face up. Another round of betting begins in the same manner as the last. The only difference is that all of the future bets are made in the upper betting limit.

Sixth Street

One card is dealt face up to each player. Another round of betting takes place in the same manner as the last round of betting.

Seventh Street

Each player is dealt two cards face down and there is a final round of betting. If there is more than one player remaining after the final betting round, the game then proceeds to a showdown.


Any players remaining at this point reveal their cards and use five of their eight cards to make the best possible five card poker hand. The player with the best hand wins the pot.